Multiple studies have covered a ‘Great Resignation’ phenomenon as a result of the global pandemic. Workers supposedly discovered how much they ‘disliked’ their jobs, and have been resigning in droves.
Many of these coverages however can be heavily skewed towards a broad global sentiment. Is this phenomenon a reality in South East Asia (SEA)?
How likely are professionals thinking of quitting their jobs? Are they really submitting their resignation letters? This report provides a reality check and unpacks the ‘Great Resignation’ wave in SEA.
Robert Walters surveyed 2,638 professionals and 1,131 companies across 6 SEA countries for a period of 2 weeks in June 2022. We find out what SEA talent and organisations think about quitting/changing jobs and staff turnover over the past year.
Findings from our survey includes these 6 SEA countries:
Download a copy of this guide by completing the form.
The Robert Walters leadership insight series provides support and advice on the challenges affecting businesses during COVID-19.
Leveraging our network of experts and industry leaders, the series includes webinars, research and advice to support businesses and their leadership teams through the current climate.
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